Assessment of biosecurity measures implemented on the broiler farms in the region of Belgrade city
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The implementation of biosecurity measures as the first line of defense is an essential prerequisite for preventing the occurrence and spread of infectious agents in flocks. Assessment of biosecurity measures on the farms was carried out during farm visits based on the application of an appropriate questionnaire whereby the farmer answered a number of questions regarding the implemented biosecurity measures. The study was performed via Biocheck.UGent online survey on 16 broiler farms in the region of the city of Belgrade. The capacity of farms was 25,000-100,000 broilers, placed in 2-4 houses, depending on the farm. Farm visits were made by the authors to confirm the correct answers to the online survey. Results showed that external biosecurity scores ranged from 57% to 93%, averaging 83.6%. Internal biosecurity score ranged from 48% to 98%, with an average score of 85.7%. The total score for the biosecurity assessment ranged from 56% to 93%, with an average score of 84.3%. The scores for subcategories varied between the farms. Removing manure and carcasses, a subcategory within the category of external biosecurity, had the lowest mean score (farms 9 and 10 had a score of 12%). Relatively low scores were also obtained for the number of steps of broilers depopulation (farm 9 had a score of 44%) and for the location of the farm (farms 2 and 3 had a score of 44%). Concerning internal biosecurity, the lowest score was obtained for the subcategory material and measures that they apply between compartments (farm 10 had a score of 29%). These findings should be useful for decision-makers and flock veterinarians and farmers to set feasible targets and sustainable biosecurity programs to improve biosecurity, the health status of the flock, and farm profitability.
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