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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments for the Editor).
  • Authors suggested three potential unbiased reviewers (reviewers’ affiliations with email addresses) in Comments for the Editor.
  • If your work involves live subjects (human or animal) you must provide an appropriate ethical statement when submitting your manuscript.
  • Article template files have been used. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author's Guidelines.

(Author Guidelines in PDF: download)
Online submission
Review procedure
> Cover letter
Manuscript categories and requirements
Privacy statement

Online submission

By submitting a manuscript, Authors warrant that their contribution to the Journal is their original work, that it has not been published before, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, and that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any, and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work was carried out. Authors are exclusively responsible for the contents of their submissions, the validity of the experimental results and must make sure they have permission from all involved parties to make the data public. Authors wishing to include figures or text passages that have already been published elsewhere are required to obtain permission from the copyright holder(s) and to include evidence that such permission has been granted when submitting their papers. Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the Authors. Authors must make sure that only contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors and, conversely, that all contributors who have significantly contributed to the submission are listed as authors.

Please note that by signing up and submitting your manuscript to Veterinarski Glasnik you agree to the Journal’s terms and conditions. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is by e-mail. Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files. Editable files (Microsoft Word, .doc, .docx format) are required to typeset your article for final publication. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). The Editor reserves the right to amend submitted manuscripts to a suitable standard of formal, written English. Manuscripts are pre-evaluated at the Editorial Office in order to check whether they meet the basic publishing requirements and quality standards. They are also screened for plagiarism. Authors will be notified by email upon receiving their submission. Only those contributions which conform to the following instructions can be accepted for peer-review. Otherwise, the manuscripts will be returned to the authors with observations, comments and annotations.

We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's policies, publication ethics and malpractice statement.

Registration and/or login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

Review procedure

Veterinarski Glasnik offers a fast online and printed publication for all articles which have not been published or considered for publication elsewhere, and peer review is managed electronically. Authors are required to provide the contact details of three potential peer reviewers, but the final decision on the choice of reviewers rests with the Editor without any obligation to contact any of the Author-recommended peer reviewers. The Editor nominates peer reviewers (at least two) upon recommendation of the Advisory Board and Editorial Board members. The submitted manuscripts are sent to the reviewers together with the instructions for reviewers and accompanyning reviewers’ evaluation forms. Acceptance of the manuscript is based on the reviews and on the final decisions of the reviewers regarding the acceptability of the manuscript. A reviewer's decision is one of three: "Accept without revision", "Accept subject to revision" or "Decline". If there is marked discrepancy in the decisions between the reviewers, the Editor can send the manuscript to another reviewer for additional comments and further decision or the paper is rejected. Names of the reviewers are not transmitted to the author (single-blind review). The peer review process is expected, in general, to start within two weeks of submission of the manuscript. The Corresponding Author must indicate clearly in a separate letter what alterations have been made in response to the reviewers’ comments point by point, and giving the relevant new line numbers using Final show markup view under Track Changes in MS Word Review ribbon. Corrected manuscripts are expected to be returned within four weeks. Accepted manuscripts are published on doiSerbia and then selected for a subsequent print issue.

Cover letter 
All submitted manuscripts must be accompanied by a cover letter (as Comments for the Editor in online submission form) which explains why the manuscript is suitable for publication in Veterinarski Glasnik and declaring that the manuscript has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere. Authors should suggest three potential unbiased reviewers who are qualified to review the manuscript (reviewers’ affiliations with email addresses, and briefly explain why authors think the suggested scientists would be good reviewers). This letter must warrant that all authors have seen and approved the content and have contributed significantly to the work.


Please read all instructions carefully. A manuscript that has not been prepared in accordance with the Journal’s instructions for authors will not be considered for review. Manuscripts must be typed using 12 point Times New Roman with justified alignment, lines single spaced on A4 size page, with 3.0 cm page margins (as MS Word files, .doc, .docx). The journal requires continuous line numbering in submitted manuscripts. Number the pages consecutively with the title page being page 1. Text headings should be typed in capitals and short subheadings, where necessery, are in italics with only an initial capital letter.

Full research articles
Peer-reviewed original research, previously unpublished, which includes the following sections: Title Page, Structured Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables/Figures (with legends). The writing style should be concise but clear enough to enable readers to reproduce the experimental methodology as described. The article must present a clear hypothesis and data expressed according to an appropriate experimental design. The Discussion section considers known data or facts only in relation to the results obtained, and it affords the means to reach conclusions based on the results. The Discussion section does not include general knowledge on the subject researched. Original research articles usually have no more than 4000 words and 30 references.

> Preparing the submission:
   - Please read the instructions: Layout of Manuscripts, Style and Form
   - Full Research (article template, download)

Peer-reviewed summaries of developments in veterinary medicine and related areas which are of broad interest to the target audience of Veterinarski Glasnik. Reviews are usually invited. Authors, identifying a need and wishing to submit a review, are welcome and are advised to contact the Editorial Office before commencement of writing to ensure that a similar topic has not already been commissioned to another reviewer. The authors of a review should be experts on the subject of the review, as proven by their own published peer-reviewed papers and by citations of these papers in the submitted review. A review contains: Title Page, Structured Abstract, Key Words, Main Text, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables/Figures/Illustrations (with legends). The main text in reviews preferably has less than 4000 words.

> Preparing the submission:
   - Please read the instructions: Layout of Manuscripts, Style and Form
   - Review (article template, download)

Mini Reviews
Peer-reviewed summaries of recent insight or advances in specific research areas. A key aim of mini reviews is to evaluate recent progress in a specific field, present research findings published in the preceding 2-3 years and explain future trends for research as appropriate. They offer a clear summary of the topic, allowing readers to get up-to-date on new developments and/or emerging concepts. Mini reviews are usually commissioned from recognized experts in a particular field, and authors should provide a balanced overview of the field and not focus on their own work or that of their close colleagues. They contain: Title Page, Structured Abstract, Key Words, Main Text, Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References, Tables/Figures . Mini reviews must not include unpublished material (unpublished original data, submitted articles, personal communications) and will be rejected if found to include such content. Mini reviews usually have less than 3000 words.

> Preparing the submission:
   - Please read the instructions: Layout of Manuscripts, Style and Form
  - Mini Review (article template, download)

Short communications
Peer-reviewed, concise but complete descriptions of limited investigations, which will not be included in a later full research article. A short communication usually contains the following sections: Title Page, Structured Abstract, Key Words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion (the interpretation of the results and their relation to the existing knowledge), Conclusion, Acknowledgments, References, Tables/Figures/Illustrations (with legends). The contribution to Veterinary medicine and further research must be clearly stated. Short communications usually have no more than 3000 words and 15 references.

> Preparing the submission:
   - Please read the instructions: Layout of Manuscripts, Style and Form
  - Short Communication (article template, download)

Technical reports
Peer reviewed reports, similar in format and length to short communications, but which describe the use of techniques, statistical tests or software of interest to the veterinary community.

> Preparing the submission:
   - Please read the instructions: Layout of Manuscripts, Style and Form
  -  Technical Report (article template, download)

Case Reports
Peer-reviewed, well-described reports describing a novel case (or set of cases) with detailed documentation and diagnostic investigation. Authors are encouraged to describe how the case report is rare or unusual as well as its educational and/or scientific merits in the covering letter that will accompany the submission of the manuscript. In some instances, Educational Case Reports can be submitted and cases will be judged on clinical interest and educational value. Case reports usually contain the following sections: Title page, unstructured Abstract, Key words, Case presentation, Discussion, Acknowledgements, References (should not contain more than 15 references), Tables/Figures/Illustrations (with Legends). Case reports usually have no more than 2500 words.

> Preparing the submission:
   - Please read the instructions: Layout of Manuscripts, Style and Form
  - Case Report (article template, download

What is your Diagnosis?
Peer-reviewed, brief reports that focus on a diagnostic challenge followed by a solution. Because this feature is intended to be a learning exercise for readers, two sets of images must be provided. The first should not contain any identifying marks. The second should include arrows or other labels identifying the important abnormalities. These manuscripts usually contain the following sections: Title page, Study topic (1-2 images without identifying marks or data), Case presentation, Interpretation with up to two additional images with identifying marks, Discussion and up to five References. The Case presentation section of the manuscript should be brief and include pertinent clinical and laboratory findings. The Interpretation section should describe all pertinent abnormalities in the images provided and list the diagnosis or differential diagnoses considered on the basis of the diagnostic image findings. A brief Discussion of the differential diagnoses, treatment, and outcome of the case should be provided. The Discussion focuses on how the imaging technique was useful in obtaining the diagnosis, rather than on the disease or condition itself. What is your Diagnosis? usually has no more than 1000 words. Note: Authors must provide a Summary of less than 80 words for translation into Serbian language (on a separate page after References).

> Preparing the submission:
   - Please read the instructions: Layout of Manuscripts, Style and Form
  -  What is your Diagnosis? (article template, download)

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor are welcome, particularly those in response to published articles. Letters can include references and a figure or table. Veterinarski Glasnik reserves the right not to publish letters containing defamatory, libelous, or malicious statements.

Once the manuscript is accepted for publication, authors assign a License to Publish. Authors retain copyright of the published papers and grant the publisher the right to publish the article, to be cited as its original publisher in case of reuse, and to distribute it in all forms and media. The final proof will be sent to the Corresponding Author, together with a License to Publish, which all authors have to sign. Once the final proof has been returned, the article will be published online first (on the doiSerbia web page). When an issue is completed, a hard copy of the issue will be produced. If the submitted manuscript is not accepted for publication by the journal, all rights to the manuscript will be retained by the author(s).

Articles published in Veterinarski Glasnik will be Open-Access articles distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) 4.0 International License.

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

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