Aflatoxins in feed

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Dragoljub Jovanović
Radmila Marković
Stamen Radulović
Svetlana Grdovic
Milena Krstić
Dragan Šefer


Background. Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites, which are synthesized from a large number of intermediates from the primary metabolism of saprophytic molds. Aflatoxins, due to their genotoxic and carcinogenic effects, are the most important group of mycotoxins from the aspect of their impact on human and animal health. Of all known aflatoxins, AFB1 is the most frequent, with the most harmful impact on
human and animal health.

Scope and Approach. Due to their prevalence and toxicity, monitoring the presence of aflatoxins in the food chain is required. The scope of this paper is to provide information on the presence of aflatoxins in animal feed and in milk. This paper describes temperature increases in Europe that are contributing to the increased presence of aflatoxins in food, as well as aflatoxin prevention and protection measures.

Key Findings and Conclusions. During the last decade, serious contamination of corn with aflatoxins was recorded in southern Europe. In the summer of 2012, Serbia recorded high concentrations of aflatoxins in corn and milk. Based on climate change data, it is expected that aflatoxin contamination in corn will become more frequent.


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Jovanović, D., Marković, R., Radulović, S., Grdovic, S., Krstić, M., & Šefer, D. (2018). Aflatoxins in feed. Veterinarski Glasnik, 72(1), 14–21.
Mini Review


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