Seroprevalence and risk factors of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in Horo Guduru Wallagga Zone, Western Ethiopia
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Livestock diseases pose a major threat to animal health and farmer livelihoods in Ethiopia. Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a major threat. It is caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides. This bacterial infection affects cattle and causes pneumonia. To assess the current situation, a study was conducted in Horo Guduru Wallagga, Ethiopia. The main objectives were to determine the seroprevalence of CBPP in cattle and evaluate farmer knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to the disease. Cross-sectional studies were conducted from October 2019 up to June 2020. Blood samples were collected and tested for antibodies against M. mycoides using a cELISA test from cattle (n = 768). Questionnaires were also administered to farmers (n = 20 households) in three districts. The seroprevalence results showed 14.3% of cattle were positive for CBPP antibodies. CBPP seroprevalence was 16.4% in Abe Dongoro, 13.6% in Hababu Guduru, and 10.8% in Guduru. The seroprevalence among the three districts surveyed did not show statistically significant differences. The majority of respondents (77%) were male and the minority (23%) were female. The farmer survey revealed knowledge gaps; only 4.5% of respondents recognized CBPP as a disease causing reduced growth and productivity. In conclusion, this study found a high CBPP seroprevalence, indicating active infection, in the cattle population sampled. Targeted education and disease control efforts are needed to curb the further spread of CBPP. The questionnaire results highlight the need for farmer training on CBPP risks, prevention, and treatment. Ultimately, collaborative strategies are required to safeguard animal health and livelihoods in this region.
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