Farmed fish welfare, with insight into the situation in Serbia
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Fish are the most commonly cultivated vertebrates in the world. They respond to stress like other vertebrates, and they can feel pain, fear and suffering. These facts are the basis for considering their welfare. The question of formal protection of fish welfare is becoming more relevant with the significant development of aquaculture in the last few decades. However, fish welfare protection is encountering difficulties. Like many terrestrial farm animals, farmed fish are often subjected to poor living conditions and cruelty. Harvesting, transport, and stunning and killing are the most significant welfare issues. This review describes some of the most important procedures that compromise animal welfare during fish farming and the negative effects these procdures have on the fish. It also gives a brief overview of the situation in Serbia in terms of research into fish welfare, public attitudes on this issue, and the state of legislation. Data presented in this paper indicate the need for more effective protection of fish welfare in the legal and executive aspects.
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