We are excited to offer you a collection of papers on the specific topic of farm animal welfare covering the most important research in Serbia and surrounding countries, and led by the most eminent scientist in animal welfare, Prof. dr Donald M. Broom. Our goal was to get together to provide the very best data on farm animal welfare and current challenges and problems in this field.

In this issue [Veterinarski Glasnik, 75(2)], there are three review articles, one mini review, and five original research papers. An exhaustive description of a key components of the sustainability of farming systems (Broom, 2021) combines with a review that discusses the three pillars of applied farm animal welfare, i.e., the ethical, economic and animal health aspects (Kjosevski et al., 2021). Then, one review and two research papers point to interesting problems in pig production systems such as sexual maturity as a risk for the development of deviant behaviours in pig production (Nakov et al., 2021), the occurence of tail and ear bite injuries (Katalin et al., 2021) and welfare problems in conventional and alternative pig production systems in Slovenia (Golinar et al., 2021). Other articles point to fish welfare (Relić et al., 2021), the preference of dairy cows for a side in the milking parlour and its impact on daily milk yield (Recinova et al., 2021), student attitudes toward sheep and goat welfare in Croatia (Ostović et al., 2021), and welfare and meat quality of lambs (Nenadović et al., 2021).

We hope that you will enjoy reading this issue’s collection focused on farm animal welfare problems that we have noted in our corner of the world.


Katarina Nenadović, DVM, Ph.D.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Guest editor, Article collection: Farm animal welfare
Veterinarski Glasnik